Thursday, December 22, 2011

Community Dinner at Bolivar United Methodist Church

Yesterday was another good day! Those are the best kind of days to have, don't you think? I showed up to help Kathy Howe with dinner preparations at 2:00 p.m. The crew that showed up helped her prepare a delicious Christmas dinner with appetizers before and desserts for after, set up the tables with the decorations she brought, and wash up dishes, and put away everything afterwards. It's amazing that she so calmly prepares these meals for an unknown number of people and does it so deliciously! She made a hot crab dip, cheese ball, hot chocolate, and wassail for appetizers. Then the ham dinner with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli cheese casserole, cornbread casserole, cooked carrots, fresh from the oven rolls, lettuce salad, a cold green pea salad, jello salad, a pasta salad, etc...there were too many things for me to keep track of as she kept putting things out on the tables.  And the tables! They were so beautifully decorated with colorful table cloths, giant snowflakes that she hand cut herself, and then a vase of Christmas decorations and beads and a battery operated votive candle. It looked so special! Then the dessert table was over flowing with cakes, pies, and goodies that church members bring in to add to the bounty. And boy did we need it! We had to set up three more long tables as people kept pouring into the fellowship hall! We even had to set up a table in the hall.  But just like Jesus's miracles of the fish and loaves, this food Kathy prepared for about 80 people,ended up being plenty for the 130 (or more we lost count) that came for dinner. Then everyone was invited to take left overs, and we still had to put things in the freezer because we had so much food left! What a blessing these dinners are to so many people who are in need of not just food, but food for the soul as well! (Several families came as a result of the informational pamphlet they found in their Share Your Christmas bags of goodies.)  Kathy is so together, she even gave each of us on her crew a gift - I received an angel for my Christmas tree and she thanked us for helping. I feel like I should be thanking her for the opportunity to serve! What a way to build up to a Merry Christmas!!!

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