Friday, February 20, 2015


Spending time in the kitchen with people I love is one of my favorite things to do!  I am blessed that I often get to spend time with my Dayna Bug since she lives just 5 minutes from here. 

Ever since Magda posted her recipe for Stir Fried Rice I had been craving this meal! This was the first time I'd ever made fried rice, can you believe that? It is so easy and delicious. If you haven't attempted it, here is her recipe:

Thanks for sharing your recipe Magda!

Dayna was eager to help and this was such an easy recipe! Especially since all  I did was cook the rice and took pictures while she did the rest! Easy!
Stirring and frying the shrimp until is it just pink.
First she cleaned and shelled the shrimp. Then she fried and set them aside.
I had a bag of frozen veggies so there was not much prep time involve in chopping.
Notice my iPad propped up on my cookbook stand as she follows the step-by-step directions.

This was a delicious lunch and she is so talented, she even ate with chopsticks! When we are together, you know I'll be cooking this, sans meat, for my vegetarians Joel Jr. and Mary!

I'd love to hear if you try this recipe. Enjoy!