Monday, February 24, 2014


Cozy textured pullover
Lion Brand Homespun Thick & Quick
This yarn is so soft and pretty! 
Pattern #L32012

Stitch by stitch and row by row the yarn becomes a thing! It amazes me even as my needles click and my projects grow right before my eyes. A bonus with this pattern, and Dayna's confidence in me, I learned how to cable!

Knitting provides an opportunity for contemplation and meditation or gives me an excuse to listen to an audio book or watch TV. Making something I can give away allows me to share a bit of my heart with the receiver. If the recipient wants to pass along my creation, that just spreads the joy into wider circles!

The thing I find so frustrating in anything I make (baking or knitting or canning, etc.)  is to have spent hours in the creation only to have the project turn out less than perfect.  The part I dread, but what I know has to happen in knitting, is rip it out and fix it! That should be OK, since I'm knitting for fun and not to be paid for the completed project. 

I've found several tweaks I want to make in this beautiful-to-look-at sweater. I bound it off too tightly, slightly inhibiting the stretch that should be present in the sleeves. The arms are a bit snug... But the body is nice and long since I followed one reviewer's suggestion so that part turned out just the way I'd hoped. Another reviewer of this pattern suggested a larger ribbing pattern which I also incorporated in this version.
Maybe I'll just hang it up and admire it instead of wearing it? Or maybe a miracle will occur and it will fit after all? Crossing my fingers...and it fit!

Any knitters who would like to offer suggestions, I'll gladly accept. Also, if you are interested in any of my creations, let me know!

By the way, I bake on request too!