Sunday, July 28, 2013


Homemade salsa is a labor of love…and I enjoy sharing my labors – for a fee of course! My fee varies depending on who is asking. ;-) 

We are so blessed that our garden has produced plenty of ripe tomatoes already! We dug up our onions and even picked jalapenos.  Fortunately, I had too many bell peppers at the end of last season and had those chopped up and frozen.  It’s so nice to know where and how my salsa was grown – in my own back yard!

The first step of canning is to make sure everything is clean.  Wash and sterilize the jars you will be using. Place the jar lids and rings in boiling water just before you are ready to fill the jars.

Thanks for this recipe goes to Joni my long, lost neighbor and friend!

4-5 onions
2 bell peppers
9-11 jalapeno peppers with seeds
¾ cup sugar
1 cup white vinegar
3 tablespoons salt
8 to 12-oz tomato paste (depending on your preference for thick salsa)
Approximately 22 medium tomatoes un-peeled
Chop in food processor until chunky.

I put all these ingredients in a 6-quart pan and put the tomatoes in last to fill the pan.

Bring to a boil and gently simmer 30-40 minutes stirring occasionally.

Fill jars to within 1/2 inch. Clean the jar rims and then place lids and rings on just finger tight.

Process filled jars in boiling water bath for 20 minutes.

If you would like more detailed information on canning, the Internet is full of helpful tips.