Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shopped Local Saturday

We took a cruise around town today and sprinkled little bits of our hard earned money into the local economy. C&C had a sale on Carharts - Papa's happy! Hallmark cards - Mama's happy. Roweton's for a new pressure cooker ring - happy cooking ahead! I think I used up the last ring cooking down the pumpkin yesterday - oops! Too bad we didn't make it over to Horton's for that sale on jeans - my wallet is happy. But we did finish our shopping excursion at Woods' so now we have hot cider to enjoy!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy day after Thanksgiving!

Cooking up a storm with Dayna. Cooked pumpkin, stirred up dinner rolls, made a cinnamon crust, pumpkin pie, roasted pumpkin seeds, and washed LOTS of dishes!