My first mistake was over estimating my knitting skills! I needed a mentor. At times like this especially, I sure miss my mom, my mother-in-law, and my aunt! I converted a pattern that called for Coats & Clark Red Heart Lustersheen
and I used a cotton yarn instead. It was a challenge adjusting the gauge, using different needles and number of stitches. My poor old brain even misread the directions for the pattern. Why was this so easy when I made it 30 years ago and so difficult now? Don't answer that! Then I needed to make sure it fit Dayna so of course I carefully measured and kept knitting. This was supposed to be ready for cool summer evenings! ...she can wear it next year!
Finally finished, here is my work of love.
Now, if your heart desires the produce of my knitting needles, I'd love to make something for you too! I can't promise how long it might take to finish, but it will be filled with love and laughter when it's completed. But DON'T ask me to do this little top again, I might not make it through that experience yet again!