Friday, November 30, 2012

A place for everything?

If you know me even a little bit, you know I like things to be in order. You know the saying, "A place for everything and everything in it's place." So you can imagine how unsettling it is for me to be trying to settle in a temporary place.  Nothing is in a place where I can find it! Yes, I'm still searching for the set of house keys we meant to leave behind.  We have lots of boxes we've opened, searched, resealed and marked "No Keys".

No keys. :-(

Well, at least we left one key with our wonderful realtor Paula Hubbert! Oh, and there were garage door openers too. So the new owners weren't totally locked out.  Hope they have made a few duplicate keys.  Some day, we'll find those keys - it's always in the last place you look! But then, why look any further when you find what you've searched for already!

Ok, back to my try and regain a bit of balance in my life, I do try to keep things in order.  I like to make things neat and tidy if and when I can. 

Before. Chaos!

 So here's something I make and would be happy to share with you. These handy and adorable electric cord holders can be made in a variety of colors and patterns.  They are so handy....if you make me an offer I can't refuse, I can even ship them to you! In time for Christmas!

After. Neat and tidy and in it's place!
 Now, back to searching. 

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