Saturday, April 28, 2012


Dinner at God’s Gathering last Wednesday was an over-the-top salad bar with ice cream for dessert – that’s where the chocolate part comes in. Be patient and I’ll tell you about that, later. Now, when you think of salad you may just think of green stuff and you would be partially correct. But did you read the part about "over-the-top"? There were so many toppings – yes including bacon, ham, cheese, eggs, shredded zucchini, etc. Red skin potato with bacon, rice peas and cheese, broccoli, macaroni, tropical fruit…do you get the idea? There were lots of restaurant quality, home made salads! Then as if the salads weren’t enough, Kathy had us make grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and baked potatoes! Many people required two plates! Then she had trays of pre-scooped ice cream and an assortment of toppings. Now it’s time for the chocolate part! I melted chocolate almond bark and some milk chocolate bars in my little crock-pot. Who knew it would make a wonderful chocolate air freshener as well as a delicious ice-cream topping! It was hard to stop testing every time I stirred it down! I’m thankful for my dishwasher and the large supply of spoons this recipe required. ;-D If you want the recipe here it is:

Almond bark
Milk chocolate bars

Directions: Melt as much chocolate as you wish in a crock pot, a double broiler, or even in the microwave following the directions on the package.  Stir often and taste as necessary, using a new spoon each time.  If the chocolate hardens on the spoon, melt it by stirring in a cup of coffee. This sauce is great on ice cream, or you can dip pretzels, strawberries, marshmallows...


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