Friday, January 17, 2014


How are you keeping warm this winter? A cozy fire in the fireplace is always a lovely option. But how to get that fire started? You knew I would give you a helpful tip for that! Make your own fire starters using dryer lint. I clean out the dryer filter and stash it in a cardboard egg carton until it's full.
Next, I carefully melt some old candles.
I use an old soup can inside a pan of water to slowly melt old pieces of candles. Hot pads or even pliers to handle that hot can of melted wax are essential! You'll want to cover your workspace with newspaper in case you drip wax.  Drizzle plenty of melted wax over each lint egg and let it cool. 
Then all you do is peel off a section, place one under your stack of wood, and light the corner. This little lint candle will burn and start the logs every time!
Of course, you'll want to have the makings for s'mores on hand so you can toast yourself and a marshmallow at the same time!

Now don't you feel warmer?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Applying Less Is More To My Life

My friend Jennifer shared this New Year's Resolution with me and it got me to thinking...

JoPapa and I decided to downsize and purge our possessions. Getting rid of a lot of our things was a painful process.  There were a lot of sentimental attachments to things we had accumulated.  The smaller house is good, there's less to clean! So I learned if I have less stuff it equals more freedom.

Here in no particular order, are some other things I'm going to try to apply the "less = more" philosophy to in 2014:

Complain less  = more gratitude 
Waste time less = more accomplished 
Worry less = more peaceful attitude  
Wish less = more doing 
Reminisce  less = more memories made
Take less = more giving
Critique less = more praise
Desire less = more generosity
Worry less = more positive attitude
Faith-falter less =  more Bible study
Wish less = more doing
Take things for granted less = more appreciation 
Waste less = more conserving
Talk less = more listening 

This list is one place where MORE might be a good thing. I'm open to your suggestions for applying less = more! What are your thoughts?